Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Top Three Blogs


One of the bog I have choose as a top three is Kailee Jephcotts. I chose this blog as I found it appealing, the layout and colour scheme was simple and professional looking. This made it very easy to read. Kailee has writing blogs with plenty of information on her company which shows she has taken a great interest to it. Not only is the information there for others to read about her company but she has also included her comments and questions of her annual report and how she has gone about finding things. I also found Kailee’s company Goodman Fielder interesting to read, as this company includes many well-known common supermarket food brands. I found it interesting to read that they have sold many shares overseas. Kailee has reflected on this and asked questions. It is very well written.

Another blog chosen in my top three was Riana Pulfer. This blog was simple and a pleasure to read. Riana has posted great questions on her blog relating to her company Mastermyne Group which is a mining group and I am sure she has probable had to do some research to understand the industry. Riana has shown that she has taken a great interest I her company also and used the blog as an opportunity to not only share information about her company but also ask question about the course. I feel as though this is a very useful way to learn.

The last blog I have chosen as my top three is the blog of Matthew Smith. I have chosen this blog as Matthew has shown a deep understanding on his company, Greenearth Energy even though this would be a very in depth company. Matthew has shown through is questions and comments on his company that his is thinking reflecting about the key concepts and issues that come along with the company. Matthew has written several posts about his company and his journey through the course. It is more enjoyable to read a blog when someone has really come to understand there company and the work they are trying to do.

KCQ's about RCG

First Impressions

-RGC has well-known and popular companies.

-Seems to be a relatively new corporation signing The Athletes Foot (TAF) in 2009, followed by other companies only in the past few years, with Instride Shoe signed up as recent as August 2014.

-RCG has a very experienced board of directors with Michael Hirschowitz (Finance Director & Company Secretary, Member of Audit Committee) joining the firm after a long time career as a manager at The Athletes Foot.

-RCG has in previous years had extensive media coverage, mainly newspaper articles (online). However the past 3 years this has significantly decreased.

-RCG offers jobs in customer service, merchandising, marketing, sales, finance, IT, Administration and Human resources.

-It was pleasing to see that RCG’s workforce is made up of 50% of women.

KCQ’s reading RCG’s 2014 annual report. Chairman and CEO Review

-What does EBITDA stand for? As this was repeatedly used in my Annual report I wanted to understand what this meant. After a short google search I found that it is a company’s earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization.

-Report states RCG has had a 12.0% increase on consolidated EBITDA from the previous financial year. Is this percentage a good increase? Compared to other companies?

By researching other retail companies I was able to compare RCG’s consolidated EBITDA.

Using a variety retail company from different areas. The findings were;

RCG (shoes/footwear) – Increase in EBITDA of 12.0%

Flight centre (Travel) – Decrease in EBITDA of 4.01%

Michael Hill (jewellery) - Decrease in EBITDA of 0.87%

ahlers (Men’s clothing) – Decrease in EBITDA of 15.9%

These are not all of them of course and some have only decreased slightly, however RCG has made a significant increase.

-The total cumulative returns to shareholders seems to be impressive. Is it, compared to other companies?

 RCG’s report shows a chart displaying their total cumulative returns to shareholders against 2 other firms. This looks does look impressive! This chart shows that RCG compared to other firms are returning significantly more over the past 6 years. Not only are the returns high but it also had a high rate of growth over this period also.


-2014 saw (TAF) complete a number of long-term projects designed to significantly enhance customer service and experience. This is a great aspect to mention and is important in any retail industry.  The report states that this is what has helped TAF maintain their position as a premium retailer.


TAF has also now completed the full implementation and deployment of Adobe Campaign, one of the world’s leading customer relationship management and cross-channel marketing platforms, providing even greater insights into customer behaviours across all channels and enabling more targeted and customised consumer messaging.”


-I found this very impressive and innovative, taking part in management campaigns such as this shows the corporation is committed to improving their management in the contemporary workplace.


-The report states that RCG had been successful in a difficult year for retail. Has 2014 been a difficult year for retail?

  I found an article written about RCG and how they have fared during what is said to be a difficult year for retail. It was very interesting to see that RCG has in fact done very well and this article gives praise to them. I understand I will learn more about their success when I read the financial reports.


Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Company Introduction

RCG Corporation Limited (ASX: RCG) is an investment holding company which owns and operates a number of footwear businesses in the performance, comfort and active lifestyle sectors. These include retailers;

 The Athlete's Foot Australia is a retailer of athletic footwear and operates over 148 stores across Australia and New Zealand.
 Nine news Finance reports that according to The Motley Fool, that despite the unpredictable conditions surrounding the Australian retail market, RCG Corporation has performed exceptionally well. In an industry where competitors are cutting down costs to improve margins, RCG Corporation's management has been focusing on increasing its future earnings growth.
In its most recent FY14 report, RCG Corporation grew net profit after tax by a solid 11.2% to $11.7m.
Placing RCG at the second most popular corporation to invest in for 2014.
RCG's annual reports can be found here

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

My name is Grace ... Or Gracey, call me what you will.
I'm 22 and live in Bundaberg, Queensland with my partner Rohan and my dog Pippy.
   Pippy is too cute not to share.
 I spend my spare time outside
exercising, at the beach or relaxing in my hammock with a glass of wine.
I am studying full-time with internal and external courses.
This is my third year at university as I studied Education for two
years before I decided that it wasn't for me.
The truth is I have a profession already and boy do I love it!

Growing up in my mum's hair salon I developed a great passion for the industry early.
In fact anything beauty; hair, nails, makeup and purses I love it all!

I have been a qualified hairdresser for several years now and I know that I love the creative, fast passed vibe and people that come along with it. Although I love being a hairstylist/therapist to many of my loved clients, I feel as though I need something more.

So third term 2014 I enrolled in Business, and decided to adventure into Marketing and while I'm at it pick a PR major too.
I hope to use my degree to stay connected with the hairdressing and beauty industry and continue to learn more about what I love most!

Looking forward to working with you all this term in ACCT11059
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